ICS Impulse makes head impulse testing accessible for any clinician. This course will cover what is gained by performing the head impulse, how to perform the head impulse, and how does the data obtained assist in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient and how does it fit into our current battery of tests.

Learning Outcomes


  • After this course learners will be able to describe what occurs anatomically that makes the head impulse test able to determine the side of lesion
  • After this course learners will be able to define the difference between overt and covert saccades
  • After this course learners will be able to define what constitutes a normal response for head impulse testin
  • After this course learners will be able to define the end organs that would be affected when a patient has superior vestibular neuritis
  • After this course learners will be able to define the end organs that would be affected when a patient has inferior vestibular neuritis
PLEASE NOTE: This course is maintained on Audiology On-Line www.audiologyonline.com

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