SPEECH IN NOISE: How, Why & How Fast?

12sep4:00 pm5:00 pmSPEECH IN NOISE: How, Why & How Fast?Dr. Douglas L. Beck, Au.D.

Event Details

Course introduction:

The primary complaint from patients to hearing care professionals is the inability to understand speech in noise. However, fewer than 20% of all audiometric evaluations include speech in noise (SIN) testing. In this class we will review how to assess SIN in under 3 minutes, how to interpret the results, and how to select and program amplification to better meet the needs of the patient/client.


Learning objectives:

At the conclusion of this seminar the participants will be able to:

  1. Name two SIN tests
  2. Define/explain the SNR-50
  3. Recite typical SNR-50 scores for people with normal thresholds.
  4. Recite typical SNR-50 scores for people with mild-moderate thresholds.
  5. Name the single most important amplification goal which impacts SIN.


Speakers for this event

  • Dr. Douglas L. Beck

    Dr. Douglas L. Beck

    Au.D. F-AAA, CCC-A

    During his 40-year career, Dr. Beck was the first President and Editor-In-Chief of AudiologyOnline.com (1999-2005). Dr. Beck joined Oticon Inc. in 2005, and 17+ years later, he retired as Vice President of Academic Sciences. Dr Beck served as Web Content Editor for the American Academy of Audiology from 2008 to 2015 and Senior Editor for Clinical Research at the Hearing Review from 2016 to 2023. Dr Beck is an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Communication Disorders at the State University of New York, Buffalo (2016-2024). Dr. Beck became the Vice President of Clinical Sciences at Cognivue Inc (2022-2023).

    Dr. Beck is among the most prolific authors in audiology with 245+ publications, interviews, and op-eds written for the AAA (2008-2015), Hearing Review (1990-2023), Audiology Online (1999-2005), The Hearing Journal, and many other professional publications addressing a wide variety of audiology and professional topics including; Op-Eds, audiology, language, pediatrics, cognition, cognitive screeners, hearing aids, amplification, psychology, neuroscience, anatomy and physiology, counseling and more. Dr. Beck is a sought-after lecturer globally and has presented more than 1000 lectures, keynote addresses, webinars and other professional presentations.

    Au.D. F-AAA, CCC-A


(Thursday) 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm GMT+1


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