Cortical auditory evoked potential(CAEP) in clinical practice

Event Details
Course introduction: Cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) is one of the available objective tests for threshold estimation or to determine the function of the central auditory nervous system especially at
Event Details
Course introduction:
Cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) is one of the available objective tests for threshold estimation or to determine the function of the central auditory nervous system especially at the auditory cortex. Given the anatomical origin of the CAEP is in the brain area, its threshold estimation hypothetically should be more representative of the audiogram in comparison with the other auditory evoked potential tests. Despite this potential benefit, CAEP is not a popular choice of tests among clinicians perhaps because of their unfamiliarity with the test or the lack of knowledge on its benefit in the clinical practice. This talk will share the tips on conducting CAEP in the clinic and to share information on how to utilize CAEP in the clinical practice
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this seminar the participants will be able to:
• Implement appropriate parameters to conduct CAEP test.
• Identify the best techniques to conduct CAEP test.
• Perform CAEP whenever it is needed in the clinical practice.
Speakers for this event
Dr. Ahmad Aidil Arafat bin Dzulkarnain
Dr. Ahmad Aidil Arafat bin Dzulkarnain
Dr. Ahmad Aidil Arafat bin Dzulkarnain is Associate Professor at Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He obtained a degree in Bachelor of Audiology with Hons from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2003 and received Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Audiology) from The University of Queensland, Australia in 2008. He is currently the Deputy Dean of Postgraduate and Research of Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, IIUM. He was the Head of Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of IIUM from 2012-2013. He had been the visiting academic at The University of Queensland, Australia and visiting scientist at National Acoustic Laboratories (NAL), Australia both in 2013-2014 respectively
As a scientist, Dr Aidil has substantive research works in the area of auditory neurophysiology specifically in the auditory evoked responses (AER). His recent research is concerning evaluation of sound-cognitive and emotional therapy intervention using AER test among patient with special needs such as autism spectrum disorder and attention deficits hyperactivity disorder. He has authored and presented more than 100 papers in both international, local journals and conferences. Dr Aidil has published several quality papers in prestigious local and international journals and at the same time serves as regular journal peer-reviewers. Due to the recognition in his works especially in the auditory neurophysiology, he has been invited as either keynote or professional trainer by either government or private agencies as well as the audiology professional society in Malaysia. Recently, he has been awarded by IIUM as the most promising academic (Health Sciences) based on his significant contribution to IIUM in general and audiology (in Malaysia) specifically.
(Monday) 9:30 am - 10:30 am CET
ONLINE eSeminar