Theory to Practice: Establishing a Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program
Instructor: Dr. Judith A. Marlowe, PhD, FAAA, CCC-A, Executive Director Audiology & Professional Relations
Embracing the goal of screening every newborn to ensure the opportunity for early hearing loss detection and intervention represents a significant change in hearing healthcare rather than simply the addition of a clinical procedure to a hospital nursery protocol. Where to begin and how to ensure that the implementation process results in an effective, efficient, and sustainable program are topics addressed in this educational session. The steps outlined are a practical guide to personnel, practices, and policies to support better outcomes for newborns with hearing impairment and their families derived from decades of personal experience and worldwide participation in developing newborn hearing screening programs.
Hearing screening
Amazing information.. i love it
Thoughtful and comprehensive content
My favorite point the presenter made was that multiple layers of screening are to be avoided. Intuitively, re-screenings seem worthwhile because we expect the false positive rate to decrease, but as she points out the false negative rate will also increase. It’s better to proceed with diagnostic testing once the baby fails a screening to keep the false negative rate as close to zero as possible. She didn’t specifically address re-screens while the baby is still at the hospital, but I’m assuming she would endorse those, and they seem to be standard practice.
It was a well-organized concise but thorough presentation with well-informative content and I would like to thank the team at hearing and balance academy for allowing me to be part of this.